Interviews / Remote · December 10, 2019

Thank You Email After an Interview

When do you write one?

A thank you email is self-explanatory. An email thanking a person, organization, company, etc. for something they did to impact you or your cause. 

Now when should you write one? A day after the event happens. 

Now the main focus of this post is interviews. When is it appropriate to send one, and more importantly how do I get to the sending phase. 

In this post I’ll go over a broad approach. Keep in mind that every interview and approach is different so use this as a general template. 

How to get emails for maximum thankfulness

The very first step is to get an interview. I will write more on this subject, but for now apply apply and apply for jobs. 

At the end of the interview, ask the interviewer(s) for their email(s) in order to send follow up questions or concerns. You can be honest here too and say you wish to thank them for their time. Keep in mind that some may not want to give their emails and that’s fine. Don’t press if they say no. You are here for the job and this is after all a formality. 

So now you have their email(s) and have left the building and are at home.  

Writing the email

Writing the email is tough. You want something that is heartfelt and also sincere without going into too much detail or coming off as begging. 

You are more than welcome to write this email anyway you want. You can talk about anything that you felt was impressionable or that made you appreciate the opportunity. Below is the template I like to use. Feel free to take it and make it your own. 


Hello Mr./Ms./Mrs.,

I wanted to thank you again for interviewing me. I understand interviews can be stressful, especially (the first one, a second one, etc.) so I appreciate that the atmosphere was comfortable. It shows that (Company) is a great company to work for and one I feel I would be great at.

I realize there wasn’t much feedback that you could give me from our short time but I do welcome any feedback you may have for me.

Again, Thank you for interviewing me and for your time.

Best Regards,

When do you send it?

You can send it whenever you want. Send it that same day or even at midnight. However, I advise sending it around 10AM the next work day. If the following day is a weekend, send it Monday. 

I say that for two reasons. One is to show professionalism. their schedule is unknown and they may receive emails late at night. They might read it and forget about it. Two is because you want them to open the email when they are able to read it and absorb it. When they have time to appreciate the email. 


Its pretty simple to get the addresses to send a thank you email. Writing the actual email can be hard but it doesn’t have to be. I hope my template helps you and if you have one that works or one you created, feel free to share it with me or down below in the comments.